Monday, October 8, 2012

architecture videos

1.    For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Last Call for Planet Earth:
-       It’s not a style or label, and it should not be a trend
-       Insulating is an easy way to save money
-       Old buildings with solid structure can be built in new ways
-       We should be trying to do less demolishing
-       Use buildings for more than just a normal 9-5 day, as well as sports stadiums.
Prairie Style
-       Frank Lloyd Wright was a firm believer in designing single family houses to reflect their time, place and landscape.
-       Houses he built in the Chicago area were layers of horizontal bricks and stones to reflect the landscape of Chicago which was a Midwestern flat prairie
-       He placed the doors to some of his homes in different places so that the experience of entering the house is a unique one.
-       He made people rethink the organization of the house
-       He believed in open spaces, not segmented rooms
-       He changed the image of exterior and interior of the home

2.    How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
Last Call for Planet Earth stated a lot of the same ideas that were talked about in the book, especially with reusing old buildings, and that green architecture correlates closely with small everyday things that we can do to improve the quality of life on our planet.

Prairie Style mentioned some of the facts about Frank Lloyd Wright that were in the book. The fact that he completely redefined how houses are “supposed” to look, and the breaking of walls within the homes to make for more free space.

3.    What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
I really enjoyed Last Call for Planet Earth. Living green and reducing our carbon imprint has always been something that I care about and do my best to take small steps in my own life to do.

Prairie Style was wonderful. I loved seeing all the beautiful homes he has created. My favorite homes he built and designed are always the ones that are most incorporated with nature and the ones in the woods and forests.

4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

I chose Last Call for Planet Earth because I am all into the Earth Friendly movement, and take pride in trying to live a somewhat green life.

I chose Prairie Style because I have studied Frank Lloyd Wright a little before and I enjoy learning about his work, I think he made beautiful homes. 

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