Monday, December 3, 2012

MOD 15 Video Reviews

1.   For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Greenberg on Pollock: An Interviww by T. J. Clark
-      Pollock considers his paintings to be easel paintings.
-      The idea of easel painting changed during Pollock’s career, it was not longer viewed as a neat and tidy picture.
-      Art is hard to define and what is socially acceptable can change over time, art critics are not always written in stone as the way art should or should not be.
The Colonial Encounter: Views of  Non-Western Art and Culture
-      At the 1900 World Fair in Paris, the colonies were represented as uncivilized with their lack of any architectural aspects in their part of the fair.
-      The colonies were unfairly misrepresented as being barbaric and uncivilized by use of art in media- the only exception was Algeria which was represented much nicer as it had been colonized for longer than Dahome.

2.   Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art Criticism project? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.

Greenberg on Pollock: An Interviww by T. J. Clark
-      This film did relate to the Art Criticism project. It took a look into the deep and complex relationship between the artist and the art critic. Greenberg admitted at times that he was wrong in writing his critics of Jackson Pollock’s works. He also explained that the only demand on art is for it to be “good art.” Greenberg said Pollock did not feel resentment towards him even though he did not think his paintings were that good since 52.

The Colonial Encounter: Views of  Non-Western Art and Culture
-      It is critical that art critiques are done with tact and very carefully because often what is portrayed or said becomes the reality within a society. And if a person or culture is misrepresented within the media, that representation may become the reality for how others view that person or society.

3.   What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to understanding of art criticism?

Greenberg on Pollock: An Interview by T. J. Clark
-      The film was informative, but fairly dry. Clement Greenberg admitted to being wrong in the beginning about Pollock’s paintings, and he went back on what he had originally wrote about him. He was quoted as telling Pollock “Not to read everything that is written about you.” It goes to show that art critics can be wrong and that at the end of the day their critiques are amplified opinions.

The Colonial Encounter: Views of  Non-Western Art and Culture
-      This film was very interesting and full of information. I enjoyed it. It goes to show how the media plays such a powerful role in how a culture or person can be represented or misrepresented. 

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