Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mod 10 Videos

Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.

African Art: Legacy of Opression

-       I took an African American history class last semester and I found the history to be very interesting. The title caught my attention.


-       I chose this film because I have always felt a strong connection with Buddhism, although I don’t practice it, I relate with a lot of the practices and ideas.


For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

African Art: Legacy of Oppression

-       There is a large range in art styles from Africa, there are more than 250 cultures in Africa.

-       Although the art appears primitive, it is all symbolic and done with intent, and not done with lack of skill.

-       Masks were a large part of African art.

-       Some masks were meant to scare people into being kind to handicapped people because it can happen to you while other masks were meant to intimidate enemies.

-       White people came into Africa and forced Africans to find rubber in the forest, the women and children were held hostage and sometimes rapped until the African men filled their rubber quota.


-       The Prince Siddhartha Gautama sat under a tree and meditate and when he woke he proclaimed that he was enlightened, and Buddhism was born. He became known as Buddha.

-       Buddhism is based on letting go of your desires for pleasure and possessions, and focusing on finding enlightenment.

-       Buddhism is based on the eightfold path.

-       Buddhism split in two one hundred years after Buddha’s death- the monks and the “big boat”.

-       Buddha’s death brought on a rush of art.

-       Buddha is not shown as a human at the Great Stupa in India.

-       The Great Stupa, and the gateways surrounding it are cared from stone and requires a great deal of architectural support.

-       Indonesia is home of the largest Buddha shrine.(The Borobudur Temple) From an aerial view it looks like a lotus.

-       The Borobudur Temple was originally indented to be a site for pilgrimage. Pilgrims went there from all over Asia. It was buried under lava and for 800 years it was left untouched. It was restored in the early 1900s.


How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

African Art: Legacy of Oppression

-       In chapter 18 of the textbook the book goes into a decent amount of detail regarding the masks and arts of the African culture. They both touch on the simplicity and abstract feel that often accompanies African art.


-       Buddhism was described in chapter 19 of the textbook. The Great Stupa was also shown and discussed in the book, but the video went into a greater detail and allowed for a better visual understanding of the architecture and overwhelming detail that was put into the entry ways.



What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

African Art: Legacy of Opression

-This film was very short and sweet. I enjoyed learning a bit of the history. It’s always nice to know the whole story behind the art and culture of a people.


-       This was my favorite of the two films. The shrines and places shown in this film were beautiful. It was informative but also easy to watch and kept you interested.

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